Reiki for Lambs

Newborn, orphaned lambs are very susceptible to a variety of infections. Although antibiotics are often an effective treatment, fortunately they can also respond very well to  the more natural healing of a Reiki treatment.


I first used Reiki on an animal in 2015 during the winter lambing period. A tiny lamb, no more than 2kgs in weight, was rescued and delivered into the care of the owners of the sanctuary at which I was volunteering one day a week. He was the tiniest lamb they had ever seen so they named him Tot.

Tot was only 2 days old when I met him and he was the most divine creature I had ever held. When we went inside for lunch and I picked him up to give him a cuddle. His breathing was rather laboured and the colour of his gums was not good. I held him in my arms, all the time giving him Reiki and willing him to live. After about an hour his breathing returned to normal and his gums regained their healthy pink tinge. The owners of the sanctuary were astounded and said they had never had a lamb survive that sort of condition. They did not understand what had happened but that whatever I had done had saved his life. Tot is a now healthy sheep a member of my small flock.


Working with Lamb Care Australia, I had a lamb in my care for several days before he went to his forever home. On the 3rd morning in my care, Beau woke up with crackly breathing, a sign that the lung infection antibiotics had cleared prior to him arriving into my care, was likely returning. I sat with Beau for 45 minutes giving him reiki. At the end of the treatment his breathing had cleared of any signs of the infection.